Friday, September 17, 2010

a brief update

hi everyone! i'm too lazy to plug in my camera right now, so no new pictures shall be uploaded at present. ALSO frustration!!  i realized my computer doesn't have iPhoto. isn't that weird?! it's just not there! and you can't download it from the apple website! if anyone has tips, please email me. anyway, updates:

- i have a serious case of the sniffles, and currently have toilet paper shoved up both my nostrils. it's very elegant, thank you.
- i had a pretty silly test today in human health and disease, we had literally never heard of some of the questions (ex: question: what is the condition called when your sclera are yellow? answer: i have no idea we were supposed to study cardiac diseases...)
- last class in HHD, we got to IV eachother! i stuck hannah with a needle and vice versa. neither of us got the vein right away but it was still very cool.
- it was COLD today
- went to Christiania after class with hannah, her host bro, his friend, and new friend anya (not to be confused with anja...). it's basically an old hippie commune, now an independent area within copenhagen where everyone sells and smokes pot out in the open, and they don't pay property taxes and it looks like summer camp on a hallucinogen. you can't take pictures there, but i did manage to snap one of a crazy house on the lake. i'll def include it in the next picture post.
 - i am newly addicted to "modern family," a hilarious TV show sort of like arrested development but not as strange. i'm just flying through the first season (thanks, megavideo!)

ok off to drink tea and sleep so i have normal nose function tomorrow. planning on going to tivoli - i'm so excited for roller coasters wooohooo!


Monday, September 6, 2010

so this has nothing to do with me being in denmark, but i thought i'd share this article i just read on the ny times website. as someone who sometimes thinks more about the idea of studying than actually doing it, it's always interesting to hear about new research in the field of study habits, memory, fact retention, etc. read and ponder! (in two different rooms! while you also ponder other things in mixed sets!)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

a more cheerful look, and some photos

prompted by the many wind turbines in denmark and olivia's urging to embrace purple, i made this blog prettier! also this happened because, uh, hannah showed me how. thanks han!

anyway! it isn't tomorrow from the last time i posted (oops) but here are some assorted photos, which i shall narrate for you. er du velkommen.

Here is my scavenger hunt group from Orientation, posing near Nyhavn in what appears to be a transvestite zone? We weren't sure. 

SOME DAMN TASTY HOT CHOCOLATE. sideways. (also, i think i have to rotate the pics on my desktop before uploading them? i am not very tech savvy, anyone know?)

Anja amongst the bikes in her metro stop's bike garage. Later that night we had dinner at her house with her host fam - spaghetti with very amazing meat sauce. Dessert was our hot delicious mess of a chocolate cake (made after converting cups and tablespoons into grams and deciliters, yipes)
Rainbow over downtown as seen from Nørrebro, where I had a cafe night with my danish class. Had red wine and a tuna sandwich, not a word of danish was involved. As we were leaving the rain stopped and this happened! Aren't the buildings great? I want to live on that top floor.

okay, that's all i got picture-wise! life is good, though the first week of school efficiency and enthusiasm for homework is waning slightly.

exciting thing - i'll be on a short study tour from this thursday to saturday visiting some other cities in denmark - århus, odense...and one more place. hold on. oh! vejle. it's part academic and part cultural, so i'll be visiting some hospitals with my human health and disease class, but also doing bike tours and visiting museums. i'll be sure to take pictures and report back!

mucho amor,

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

oh hello there!

apologies, for i have not been so good about updating lately! since laura cares, i promise to put some pictures up tomorrow. for now, here are some thoughts:

- i took one of those awful/wonderful long naps today where you just PASS OUT. woke up and had dinner with linda and bjarne, but i'm so out of it i can't do any homework. but that's okay - we have wednesdays off every week for field trips, and i don't have any scheduled tomorrow, so i'll work then.

- incase you didn't know this already, everyone here is super pretty and stylish. if i was the sartorialist man (or george), i'd be overwhelmed.

- i am on a hunt for the best croissant in copenhagen. naturally this requires me to eat lots of croissants :) so far, and perhaps surprisingly, the caffe ritazza in central station is leading the way.

- new cool friends = anja and lindsey who go to seattle university! had dinner at anja's host house last friday with her host fam, lindsey, and hannah. so much fun. they have a peach tree in their backyard!

- the hot chocolate ("varm chokolade") is really good everywhere. i will be a happy camper during the cold weather!

- it's weird that bowdoin is happening! how are things? comment/email me!

- i really like all my classes so far. fyi, i am taking: human health and disease (taught at frederiksburg hospital by two docs), complexity of cancer (also taught by two docs, but in a classroom), european art of the 19th century, danish language and culture, psychology of human sexuality, and a half credit course on classical music in vienna (aka visiting loooora!!) which starts in october.

okay, bedtime. hugs to all!

Monday, August 23, 2010

the first official day, the host fam!

today was the first day of DIS, which meant seeing bowdoin friends, going to a big talk, eating pancakes (see picture) and realizing how many people are on this program!! all very overwhelming but exciting. it poured today, so walking around the city wasn't great. oh, but i did take the train from home to downtown, and it's great. i really love having a commute, and the train is super efficient, clean, and quiet so getting to school this fall should be wonderful.

a word about bikes here - as you probably know, they're everywhere, tons of people use them to commute and get around during the day. makes you feel silly walking around sometimes, actually. anyway, because of biking's popularity here, there are all sorts of cool ways the city accommodates bikes. there are bike lanes everywhere, there are cars on the trains with bike-holder things, and there are narrow ramps at the edges of stairs so people can wheel their bikes up while they walk. also, my first language miscommunication with my host dad involved bikes - i asked if a lot of people wore helmets and he started telling me about how there are "not so many homeless here." i think i'll probably tell him this when i get to know him better.

anyway, great transition to my awesome HOST FAMILY! they are super laid-back, generous, funny, and are really just a pleasure to live with. the dad bjarne is very silly and always laughs at my jokes, and he makes dinner everynight for the family. this is a good thing because so far he has been an excellent cook. linda, my host mom, speaks less english so haven't talked with her as much. she seems very cool though, she wore black harem pants with silver pinstripes to work today, so i was impressed. she took me into the city this morning to show me how the train works, and she came with me to the pharmacy to buy band aids for my foot blisters (damn you, green sigerson morrison flats! every time!) so i am indebted to her for that. simon is my host brother, he's 18 and pretty quiet, but really sweet. i hope i can help him with english (and he can help me with danish - argh) and we can talk more as time goes on.

okay, i'm pretty sleepy so i'll wrap this up with some photos!

1. new best friend, my host dog mølly (yes, with that o letter thing). one year old jack russell, can jump up to my face, and thinks my monkey slippers are her personal toys. the cutest.

at first not paying attention to the camera...
then suddenly paying attention to me...
2. some bowdoin friends with the previously mentioned pancakes. which also had some delicious cream kind of filling. i should figure out how they make those. from left, mason, ally, jordan, hannah. hint: memorize for future reference.
3. host mama linda with her HORSES. actually, small icelandic pony creatures who can stay outside all year and live on hay and grass and water. super low maintenance and rather cute. excuse the blurriness please.
ok. time for shower and bed. xo!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

a lovely day

i had a great day today. before i left, i imagined traveling alone as a pleasant thing with lots of strolling and shopping and eating from street stands. with the jet lag behind me (score) i did all that all over the city today and it was fab. stupidly, i brought my camera but forgot the battery was still in the charger, so no pictures yet, sorry. but i will discuss! here's what i did:

9am-10am: wake up, eat muesli at hostel with roommates, PhD students in physical chemistry (!!) on a break from studying here. they were from spain, brazil, and switzerland, and i got to practice my spanish.

10-2ish: strolled down toward nyhavn, an neighborhood along one of the canals with colorful old buildings and lots of boats. found some really cool boutique-y shopping along the way with cool cool clothes and really good shopping music too. wish i could buy everything, as usual.

2-5ish: walked up to kastellet, a star shaped island which is beautifully landscaped and had lots of birds. could've used a peterson guide, but i know i saw a heron. lots of joggers and kids running around there. ice cream in hand, i walked along the (other, bigger) canal toward the little mermaid statue, which wasn't there! it's currently visiting shanghai and representing denmark in some kind of world's fair/exhibition thingy. in its place is a work by a chinese artist - a screen with a video continuously streaming the mermaid on display in china. here's more info:

5ish to now: walking past the mermaid site, i found a nice lounge chair in front of the admiral hotel to read and watch the boats go by. i soon starting chatting with a couple next to me, really nice americans from kansas city (they don't know jordan's fam, i checked obviously). she is hand surgeon (COOL) and he does something involving machines, and they were super nice and recommended some dinner spots and fun activities to do in copenhagen since they've traveled here a lot. apparently there is an all night party cruise to oslo, which sounds hilarious and necessary. also they shared their wine with me, so extra points for that! i'm back at the hostel now, and soon i'll shower and head out for dinner. i think i'll go to a pizza place my new friends suggested, and then go sit by the lake near my hostel and people watch.

tomorrow: i meet my host family and DIS officially begins! waaa! i'm very excited, and will most certainly report back.


Friday, August 20, 2010

here we go!

hi everyone! apparently, here is my newly born blog! theoretically, i will be reflecting upon my about-to-be semester abroad in copenhagen, and posting neat photos of what's going on here. i might also share personal musings from time to time (eg: why are the women here so damn cool? nature or nurture?). in any case, read as often or as never as you like, comment because it will make me happy, and someone with an eye for aesthetics please help me make this look nice in the meantime.
